-- Budget deficit
of four percent of GDP expected for 2013/14, narrowing to 2.8 percent in
-- Debt stock as
percentage of GDP to stabilise at 44.3 percent in 2016/17;
-- Tax revenue for
2013/14 expected to be R1 billion higher than projected in 2013 budget;
-- Real growth in
non-interest spending to average 1.9 percent over next three years;
-- National and
provincial government expenditure on travel, catering, consultants and other
administrative payments declines as a share of spending;
-- Expenditure
ceiling commits government to spending limits of R1.03trn in 2014/15, R1.11trn
in 2015/16 and R1.18trn in 2016/17.
Over the next three years, government will spend:
-- R410bn on social
-- R15.2bn on the
economic competitiveness and support package;
-- R8.5bn on the
Community Work Programme;
-- R8.7bn on
settlement of land restitution claims;
-- R7bn for
subsistence and smallholder farmers;
-- R78bn on
university subsidies and R19.4bn for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme;
-- R34.3bn on
school infrastructure;
-- R22.9bn to
upgrade commuter rail services;
-- R143.8bn to
support municipal infrastructure;
-- R42bn on the HIV
and Aids conditional grant.
-- Personal income
tax relief of R9.3bn;
-- Adjustments to
tax tables relating to retirement lump-sum payments;
-- Measures to
encourage small enterprise development;
-- Clarity on
valuation of company cars for fringe-benefit tax purposes;
-- Reforms to tax
treatment of the risk business of long-term insurers;
-- Amending rules
for VAT input tax to combat gold smuggling;
-- Measures to
address acid mine drainage;
-- Adjustment of
the proposed carbon tax and its alignment with desired emission-reduction
outcomes identified by the environmental affairs department.
“It is time
for action and implementation. It is time to move South Africa forward to the
next stage
of our historic journey to more rapid growth, jobs and development – time to
behind poverty, joblessness and inequality!”
- Minister Pravin
Gordhan, 2014 Budget speech
This circular only
includes budget changes and proposals which are relevant to the
financial planning
1. Personal
Income Tax
The Minister
proposed welcome but restrained personal income tax relief.
The table below
illustrates the adjusted tax rates applicable to individual taxpayers and special
trusts for the 2014/2015 tax year.
Rate of
R0 - R174
18% of
taxable income
R174 551
– R272 700
R31 419 +
25% of taxable income above R174 550
R272 701
– R377 450
R55 957 +
30% of taxable income above R272 700
R377 451
– R528 000
R87 382 +
35% of taxable income above R377 450
R528 001
– R673 100
R140 074
+ 38% of taxable income above R528 000
R673 101
and above
R195 212
+ 40% of taxable income above R673 100
Tax Year
Tax Year
R12 080
R12 726
only to taxpayers
aged 65
and over)
R6 750
R7 110
Rebate (applicable
only to
taxpayers aged 75
and over)
R2 250
R2 367
Tax Year
Tax Year
Below age
R67 111
R70 700
Age 65
and over
R104 611
R110 200
Age 75
and over
R117 111
R123 350
This means that a
taxpayer younger than 65 and earning a taxable income of R70 700 or less per
annum, or a taxpayer older than 65 but younger than 75 and earning a taxable
income of R110 200 or less per annum, or a taxpayer of 75 years and older and
earning a taxable income of R123 350 or less per annum, will not pay any income
tax in the 2014/2015 tax year.
The examples below
demonstrate the tax savings for individuals (younger than 65) in terms of the
proposed changes:
2. Interest
The interest
exemption threshold has not been changed and remains as follows:
R23 800
per annum for taxpayers under the age of 65,
R34 500 per
annum for taxpayers aged 65 years and older.
taxpayers will be able to invest in interest bearing investments, an amount up
R432 727
where they are younger than 65, and
R627 273
where they are 65 and older
at 5.5% per
annum, without attracting tax on the growth.
3. Taxation of
Small Businesses
This table
will be effective for years of assessment ending on or after 1 April 2014 are as
Tax table
applicable to small business corporations
Income (R)
Rate of
Tax (R)
R0 – R70
0% of
taxable income
R70 701 –
R365 000
7% of
taxable income above R70 700
R365 001
– R550 000
R20 601 +
21% of taxable income above R365 000
R550 001
and above
R59 451 +
28% of the amount above R550 000
The Davis Tax
Committee recommends replacing the above reduced tax-rate regime with an annual
refundable, tax compliance rebate.
4. Medical Tax Credits
With effect
from 1 March 2014, the tax credit (for contributions to medical schemes) for a
taxpayer younger than 65 years is R257 and for a taxpayer and his or her first
dependent is R514. An additional credit of R172 is afforded to each additional
The previous
deduction that was provided for the out of pocket expenses of the taxpayer has
been done away with. This has been replaced with a further credit, the amount
of which differs depending on the circumstances of the taxpayer.
For taxpayers younger
than the age of 65 (who are not disabled or who have any disabled dependents) a
tax credit will be given of an amount equal to 25% of the aggregate of:
the amount
by which their contribution exceeds four times their tax credit (for contributions),
plus their out of pocket expenses
that exceeds 7.5%
of their taxable income (excluding any retirement fund lump sum benefit,
retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit and severance benefit).
For taxpayers 65
years of age or older, or who are disabled or who have any disabled dependents,
a tax credit will be given of an amount equal to the aggregate of:
33.3% of the amount by which their contribution exceeds three
times their tax credit (for contributions), plus 33.3% of their out of pocket
5. Retirement
With effect from 1
March 2015:
Contributions by employers to defined contribution retirement funds are
to be fringe benefit taxed in the hands of the employee. A formula to
calculate the fringe benefit inclusion amount in respect of employer
contributions to defined benefit funds has been provided for).
The full employer contribution is deductible by the employer.
contributions for employee
Individual member
taxpayer deductions for pension, provident and retirement annuity funds are to
be consolidated from 1 March 2015. The cap of such contribution deductions will
be at 27.5% of the higher of remuneration or taxable income (excluding
retirement lump sums and severance benefits) and with a maximum amount of R350
These contribution
limits will include the risk benefit and administration cost component of the
contributions. Any employer contributions that were fringed benefit taxed in
the employee’s hands may be applied in calculating the employee’s
deduction. Contributions that exceed these caps are carried forward to
future tax years.
not deducted at retirement date
Any contributions
that remain unapplied as deductions, may be applied against members’ retirement
benefits at retirement, firstly against the lump sum and then, as from 1 March
2014, against the annuity income.
Change to
Provident Funds
Currently lump sum
withdrawals upon retirement from pension and retirement annuity funds are
restricted to a maximum of one-third of accumulated savings, whereas this
restriction does not apply to provident funds.
With effect from 1
March 2015 the pension and retirement annuity fund compulsory annuitisation
regime will be extended to provident funds. Vested rights are protected in that
member balances in provident funds as at 1 March 2015 (plus the growth thereon)
will continue to be subject to the old provident fund regime. This new
regime will not apply to provident fund members older than 55 years as at 1
March 2015.
As from 1 March
2014, the following table will be applicable to taxable lump sums taken upon
retirement from a retirement fund vehicle:
Taxable income
Rates of
tax (R)
R0 – R500
R500 001
– R700 000
18% of
taxable income above R500 000
R700 001
– R1 050 000
R36 000 +
27% of taxable income above R700 000
R1 050
001 and above
R130 500
+ 36% of taxable income above R1 050 000
As from 1 March
2014, the following table will be applicable to taxable lump sums taken prior
to retiring from a retirement fund vehicle (i.e. withdrawals):
income (R)
Rates of
tax (R)
R0 – R25
R25 001 –
R660 000
18% of
the taxable income above R25 000
R660 001
– R990 000
R114 300
+ 27% of the taxable income above R660 000
R990 001
and above
R203 400
+ 36% of the taxable income above R990 000
6. Sin Taxes and
Fuel Levies
The following
increases are proposed:
Tax on a packet of 20 cigarettes increases 68c
Tax on a 340ml can of beer increases by 9c
Tax on a bottle of wine increases by 13c
Tax on a bottle of spirits increases by R4,80
Government proposes
to increase the general fuel levy and Road Accident Fund levy by 12c/l and 8c/l
respectively with effect from 2 April 2014. This results in a total
increase of 20c/l.
7. Retirement Fund
Over the last two
years there have been a number of discussion papers setting out National
Treasury’s Strengthening Retirement Savings proposals. These papers set out
government’s take on the state of private retirement funds and how outcomes for
members might be improved. Inter alia, fund governance, simplified deduction
regime, prescribed annuitisation and preservation of pension fund monies have
been proposed. The budget documentation indicated that a further summary paper
will be released
Taxation of
lump sums of residents with offshore service
The budget
documentation indicated that it will be clarified that the concession for
offshore service will also apply to lump sums.
A remaining issue
is whether the concession applies to the national source of the services
rendered or the national origin of the pension fund involved. In response
to the uncertainty in this area, National Treasury has undertaken to clarify
the taxation regime.
8. Other Proposals
Health Insurance (NHI)
A Green Paper
describing the initiatives in broad terms, was released prior to the 2013
budget. It is intended that this initiative be phased in over a period of 14
years. A white paper and a financing paper has been completed and will be
tabled in parliament shortly. Once these papers are made public, we will gain
insight into how the NHI initiative is to be financed.
savings accounts
To encourage
greater savings, tax-preferred savings and investment accounts are proposed to
be introduced to exist alongside the current tax-free interest-income caps
referred to above. This will encourage the development of a new generation of
savings products. All returns accrued within these accounts and any withdrawals
would be exempt from tax. The account would have an initial annual contribution
limit of R30 000 and a lifetime limit of R500 000, which is to be
increased regularly in line with inflation.
Investments in bank
deposits, collective investment schemes, exchange traded funds and retail
savings bonds, will be allowed to be offered with these tax exemptions.
purpose of freedom is to create it for others…”
– Former President
Nelson Mandela
With the focus that
Minister Pravin Gordhan has placed on education, infrastructure as well as
providing further relief to small businesses, indications are that the
Minister is attempting to create opportunities for taxpayers to be free of
unnecessary financial burdens.
It is pleasing to
note that the Minister did not see it fit to introduce any changes to increase
the tax burden on taxpayers and still introduced further relief on the taxation
of lump sums from retirement funds.