Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prudential takes the crown as the top unit trust manager

Prudential Portfolio Managers has overtaken Allan Gray as the top-performing unit trust management company based on the risk-adjusted performance of most of its funds.

Last quarter Prudential was ranked third in the PlexCrown management company rankings after Allan Gray and runner-up Investec.

But in the last few days of this past quarter to September 30, Prudential's overall PlexCrown rating overtook that of Allan Gray, with Prudential attaining an average score of 4.13 PlexCrowns over Allan Gray's 4.00.

In addition, Oasis moved up from sixth position to third and RMB from fifth to fourth.

The PlexCrown ratings rate all qualifying unit trust funds on four different measures of risk-adjusted performance over periods up to five years. (For more details on how these are calculated, visit the PlexCrown website at

These ratings - weighted towards longer-term performance - are used to determine an overall score for each unit trust management company. The rankings should show you which company is performing consistently well over all their funds without putting your investment at undue risk.

Click here to read the full article.

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