Monday, February 2, 2009

List of Recommended Unit Trusts Updated

We aim to identify asset managers that will provide consistently superior long-term returns for investors. Our recommendations are as follows:

Domestic Equities: Allan Gray; Tim Allsop of Polaris, which manages Nedgroup Investments Rainmaker Fund; John Biccard, who manages Investec Value Fund; Prudential (both Equity and Dividend Maximiser); RMB Mid/Small-Cap Fund

Domestic Bonds / Income Funds: Nedgroup Investments Gilt Fund; Metropolitan Gilt Fund; Henk Viljoen of Stanlib Bond Fund; Nedgroup Flexible Income Fund; RMB Income Plus Fund

Money Market Funds: Cadiz, Allan Gray

Domestic Prudential Funds: Allan Gray Balanced, Allan Gray Stable, Coronation Balanced Plus, Investec

Flexible Asset Allocation Funds: Investec Opportunity Fund

Property Funds: Stanlib and Investec

Global Equities: Allan Gray-Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund; Coronation World Equity; Investec Strategic Value Fund; Investec Worldwide Equity Feeder Fund; Investec Global Equity FoF; Oasis; RMB International Equity Fund of Funds; Berkshire Hathaway

Global Asset Allocation: Allan Gray, Flagship

Happy investing!


Unit Trusts said...

How do you learn of these unit trusts to recommend? What are your criteria?

Unknown said...

We use the following criteria:

- Quantitative: The funds' long-term and short-term performance, risk-adjusted performance, consistency;

- Qualitative: The fund manager's investment philosophy, investment process, Raing Bull Awards and PlexCrown ratings (which are based on statistical analyses)

Investments said...

Hi, could you provide the latest update by any chance ?